Dominique Landucci


Dominique Landucci was born in Nice in 1955. Of Italian origin, his family's roots are in Tuscany, in the village of Caprese, Michelangelo's birthplace. After studying at the School of Art and Architecture in Luminy-Marseille, he established his own painting studio in Vendée. He resided there from 1975 to 1985, during which he exhibited at the Galerie Katia Granoff and later at the Galerie CARPE DIEM in Paris. He participated in the stimulating art scene of that decade, where art was supported, purchased, and played a part in a real liberal and speculative economy.

During those years in Vendée, in the midst of the 1980s, Dominique Landucci quickly became the chronicler of the rural life surrounding him. The young businesspeople who were influencing Vendée's future beyond its landscapes immediately supported him.

Returning to his hometown of Carros, in the hinterland of Nice, in 1985, he witnessed the last years of art market euphoria. After the "Gulf War" in the 1990s, he participated in the evolution of his profession towards different audiences than those of art galleries. He then created an alternative art space in his large studio at the "Broc Center" in the industrial zone of Carros, organizing events, performances, and happenings that merged various art forms, from painting and sculpture to music, photography, and choreography.

In the early 2000s, the digital era made its way into the new world. Dominique Landucci moved to the entrance of his village, into the former studio of the famous painter Guillonnet, an official artist of the Third Republic. Digital creation replaced mural painting. He turned to writing. Numerous publishers (NMC Editions, Les Editions du Losange, Les éditions de la Baie des anges) released novels, essays, and short stories. From then on, transmitting knowledge and bringing art into people's daily lives gradually became his major focus of creation. He made himself available to all audiences, including students and people facing difficulties, taking art out of its exclusive spaces and ivory towers. He himself left his studio to engage with audiences seeking a sensitive external perspective.

By residing among people, he participated in collective creations. With young people from challenging suburbs, he created events and performances. With youth experiencing behavioral issues, he created itinerant digital exhibitions and land art pieces. With incarcerated youth, he illustrated life stories. With the staff of the CHU de Nice (University Hospital Center of Nice), he created seven works for the emergency department of the Saint Roch Hospital. In schools, he collaborated with children on mosaics, sculptures, and digital visual creations. With artists from different disciplines, he participated in the visual spectacle "GRAND DANSE CONNECTION CLUB," combining music, hip-hop, painting, and videos. With 900 volunteer actors from Franche-Comté, he has created a visual spectacle called Lux Salina at the Royal Saltworks of Arc since 2016.

Regardless of the tool used, the art is to elevate the everyday. From paintbrush to mouse, from grand spectacles to graffiti, from violin to calligraphy, Dominique Landucci is always ready to embrace fires of joy, on the condition that they are shared with people.

1955年,Dominique LANDUCCI 在陽光普照的南法尼斯出生,家族來自義大利中北部托斯卡納區(Toscane)的卡普雷塞城鎮(CAPRESE),與米開朗基羅(Michel Ange)源自同家鄉。

Dominique LANDUCCI畢業於法國南部馬賽Luminy藝術建築大學,隨後在法國西部旺代省(Vendée)定居並在此創立個人畫作工作室(1975-1985)。在這十年的藝術生涯中,陸續在Katia GRANOFF藝廊以及巴黎CARPE DIEM藝廊展出,使藝術以永恆的姿態停駐在欣賞與收藏之間。


1985 年,Dominique 從旺代省回到了他在尼斯郊區的家鄉 Carros,在戰爭前享受了藝術市場的繁榮。由於 1990 年後爆發了「波斯灣戰爭」,對藝術市場造成影響。因此,他在位於Carros工業區裡的「Broc Center」工作室中創辦一系列的活動與表演,結合多元藝術:繪畫、音樂雕塑、舞蹈攝影...等。

2000年初,數位科技帶領各項產業展開新視野。此時的他定居在法國第三共和國時期著名畫家Guillonnet的舊工作室。這時期的舊式畫作逐漸由數位創作取代,他拾起過往的文字書寫:小說和散文,由出版社發行(NMC出版社、Losange出版社、la Baie des anges出版社)且獲得不錯的成就。這項從繪畫到文字的轉變,使Dominique對自己、他人與生活的感知更為細膩,進而成為他的的創作養分。他讓自己跳脫舒適圈,走出工作室接觸外界,探索各式需求和拓展眼界。

在與大眾交流之後,Dominique開始嘗試團隊創作,關懷社會上許多弱勢的年輕族群。例如,他與來自市郊、生活處於困境的年輕人一同舉辦活動與表演﹔與行為障礙的年輕人們一起舉辦巡迴數位展和大地藝術(Land Art)﹔和監獄裡的年輕人共同描述他們的生活故事﹔與尼斯的朱姓職員為saint Roch醫院急診室創作7項作品﹔同時,他還與在校學生們用視覺數位創作馬賽克的雕塑品。此外,Dominique和不同領域的藝術家們參與視覺表演「大型舞蹈串連俱樂部」(GRAND DANSE CONNECTION CLUB),結合音樂、hiphop、繪畫和影像。近期,從2016年起,他與來在法國東部法蘭琪-康堤區(Franche Comté)的900位志願者在la Saline Royale d’Arc舉辦LUX SALINA視覺表演。

對Dominique來說,無論透過何種媒介,藝術皆為生活的體現,在生活與作品之間雙向流動。從畫筆間到人們臉上的笑容、各大展出到雕刻塗鴉作品、抑或音樂到書寫...。 Dominique LANDUCCI 總以人們間的連結作為創作出發點,使藝術充滿熱情與生命力。